I have not post for quite a long time since my last post. I’ve been busy doing the new project I am now into. As a sweet fruit of labor, I would like to share some knowledge I have gained in this new venture. I was assigned to the global IT projects together with two more colleagues. A lot of new technologies that we need to cope up with, especially dealing with the critical and gem departments of the company - marketing and sales, every detail is scrutinized and case studied thoroughly. Quality and reliability of the system is the top most importance of the development. A portion of everything done is the server configuration and optimization; this is to aid the system for the search management and site hits. The standard tools used by the company are Solr and Nutch working together pretty well, thus we end up studying these technologies. A brief description: Apache Solr - is an open source enterprise search server based on the Lucene Java search library, with XML/HTTP and JSON...
my experiences in IT shared.