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How to get rid of VB Script Just-In-Time Debugger Error

Lately i have been pestered with a lame error every time my Windows starts up. The “VB Script Just-In-Time Debugger Error” shows up and it would terminate the explorer.exe process upon clicking OK. Somehow something went wrong in the system but the error does not specifically says what it is. I don’t have a clue how to resolve it.

We all know explorer.exe is critical for all windows to work, thus leaving me no choice but to run it manually. For normal users who do not know how to run the explorer.exe manually, they will be paralyzed. They won’t find their way to work it except to ask for help, which sometimes can be so annoying specially when you’re up to finish a deadline.

Luckily, i was so persistent enough to search for a solution. Though no one gave the exact process of eliminating this error, I come up to finally solve it through my compilation of readings and i’ll share it with you.

Here's how to get rid of this error:

1. Open Regedit (Under Run, type regedit)
2. Delete the key \"Debugger\" under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug\
3. Delete the key \"DbgManagedDebugger\" under

That’s it! You’ll be free of this annoying error. :)


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