I am reposting an article ( 7 Habits To Win In Office Politics ) that was originally from lifehack.org authored by Lawrence Cheok, but with my own interpretations.
I found this post helpful and factual and thought that it might also get you to work around on hard times in your own office or workforce. Everything that is posted in here is purely objective, thus you may agree or not agree on points that i might find essential. However, there is always a room for discussions and exchange of views, you may post comments or share more ways that you think should be included in this list.
Way # 1. Be aware you have a CHOICE
In all circumstances, disputes and disagreements arise without caution that can break or make your career. You just have two options when this comes your way, be sober and drool over the situation or get over it and move forward. It is up to you to choose the right feelings for the situation, staying long in aggression is not a good idea neither being numb about it. Be wise enough to control your feelings since this is the hardest to control, it might get out of way.
Way # 2. Know what you are trying to ACHIEVE
When you know what is you goal, even conflicts may arise as long as everyone has its fixed mind to reached a same goal, you will find that at the end of the day everybody has a POINT and had CONTRIBUTED on their own way to accomplished what all of you wanted to achieve .
Way # 3. Focus on your CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE
You might often complain on such given constraints, yet you must cling on more possitive sides when working. Keep thinking of good things why you are still working and never be a victim of helplessness.
“What tangible results do bitching really accomplish? In most instances, none.” Lawrence Cheok
Way # 4. Don’t take SIDES
Know your principles and trust your own assessments, in case you need to decide on things that has colliding point of views from your different bosses, tap your shoulder and be confident to stand on all of them try to convey your own ideas without taking sides yet still maintaining a good channel of communication.
Way # 5. Don’t get PERSONAL
Never go personal. Reserve yourself and save further damage in your relationship. Insults on personal things can cause grave offense and a real blacklist in his list of good employees and possible promotions.
Way # 6. Seek to UNDERSTAND, before being UNDERSTOOD
“The reason people feel unjustified is because they felt misunderstood.” Lawrence Cheok
Don’t be so consumed with your own personal gratification that everyone must understand you, why not try to get out of that shell and start understanding them instead. It is always a two way channel, if they feel that you understood them, everntually they will try to understand you too.
Way # 7. Think WIN-WIN
Get rid of the idea that when someone wins somebody else loses. When you try hard to think of ways that everyone can win, you’ll find things are a lot easer. All six ways boils down to this application it will be a WIN-WIN situation if you learn to practice all those above mentioned.
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